Selected Publications

with Michael Hunzeker. “America’s Far-Right Isn’t Authoritarian. It’s Anti-Statist.” Defense One, January 14, 2021.

“Situational Analysis of Women and Girls in the MENA and Arab States Region.” (co-author). UNICEF MENA Regional Office, January 2021.

“Compilation of Lessons Learned, Innovations, and Good Practices on Supporting Women Parliamentarians in the Arab States Region.” (co-author). UN Women, October 2015.

In Saudi Arabia, will Big Steps Lead to Big Progress?” Vital Voices Global Partnership blog, February 2013.

Journey Through Transition: 6 Stories of Women-Led Change in the Middle East and North Africa. (co-author and editor). Middle East Partnership Initiative of US Department of State funded Vital Voices Global Partnership publication, October 2012.

The Revolution is Far from Over.” Op-ed on Libya in Gulf News; April 7, 2012.

The Uncertainty of Tunisia: an On-the-Ground View of a New Democracy.” Blog post at Vital Voices Global Partnership, December 2011.